Do you find yourself deleting every selfie you take because you hate how your smile looks? Are you self-conscious about how your teeth appear when you laugh? There may be a simple and elegant solution if your dental flaws get you down whenever you look in the mirror.
Dental veneers are a versatile way of improving the appearance of your smile. Veneers are thin shells that coat your teeth, making them look dramatically better. Best of all, the procedure to place them is very simple.
So, before signing up to upgrade your smile with dental veneers, what do you need to know?
Here are five amazing and essential facts about dental veneers to help you decide whether they’re right for you.
Often, if you’re dissatisfied with how your smile looks, there are several reasons. You may dislike how your teeth are shaped, that they have chips or cracks, that they’re stained or discoloured, or that they appear too small.
Veneers can fix all of these problems. Because they’re small, perfectly formed shells that go on top of your natural teeth, they improve their appearance by covering up cracks, chips, and discolouration.
Veneers can even help with minor issues with the placement of your teeth. Although they can’t move them, it’s possible to close slight gaps and make minor misalignments appear straighter.
If you’re worried you’ll need a complex restoration, that’s not always the case. If veneers are right for you, we can place them in a couple of appointments. The process is minimally invasive.
We’ll start by preparing the teeth. To do this, we’ll remove some of the enamel to make way for the veneer. Then we’ll take impressions of your teeth to create your bespoke veneers.
Once your veneers are ready, we’ll place them. This is a simple process of finding the perfect position and bonding it to your teeth.
Because veneers give your teeth a beautiful, uniform look, you can smile confidently. Your teeth won’t just be the perfect shape; they’ll be the ideal shade of white.
It’s incredible what feeling good about your smile can do for you.
Chips and cracks don’t always mean bacteria gets inside your teeth, but the chances are much higher. By covering any damaged teeth with veneers, you’re creating an extra layer of protection to ward off dental decay.
Of course, you’ll still need to take care of your teeth by brushing regularly and visiting us for dental checkups.
A bright and healthy smile helps give the appearance of youth. And, when you see your youthful smile radiating back at you when you look in the mirror, you’ll start to feel younger too.
Dental veneers are a simple, life-enhancing cosmetic treatment. At Harley Private Dental, we’ve improved countless smiles in this way.
To find out whether they’re the right choice for you, call us today to arrange an appointment.
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