We’re told from a young age that we need to brush our teeth and visit the dentist. Routine checkups and proper dental hygiene are vital when preventing tooth decay and maintaining a healthy smile.
Even with great brushing techniques, tartar can form on your teeth, discolouring your smile and putting your health at risk. An appointment with a dental hygienist is a great way to maintain your smile.
So, what are the benefits of seeing a hygienist, and what can you expect during your visit?
Even with years of practice, missing parts of your mouth while brushing your teeth is easy. We often focus on the most visible teeth and can neglect areas at the back of our mouth or behind the teeth.
It’s often the case that cavities are most likely to form in these less visible and harder-to-clean areas. Our hygienist can thoroughly clean these areas, reducing the risk of tooth decay.
Professional dental cleaning is a routine and painless experience.
Plaque is a naturally occurring substance found in your mouth. It’s made up of bacteria, saliva, and food debris. This invisible, sticky substance clings to your teeth but is easily removed through brushing.
Often, plaque builds up around the gum line, where it can go uncleaned. Over time, plaque hardens to become tartar. Once this darker substance takes hold, it cannot be removed through brushing, increasing the risk of decay.
Professional dental hygiene treatments use powerful jets of water, air, and particles to break down these dried-on stains.
Although we recommend visiting for a full dental checkup regularly, your hygienist will also alert you to any developments they see while cleaning your teeth. This could include thinning enamel or the start of a cavity. Early detection can make prevention easier.
When a hygienist removes tartar from the edges of your teeth, they will stop it from irritating your gums. A thorough cleaning will help stave off gingivitis and help treat existing gum disease.
A buildup of bacteria and tartar on your teeth can cause bad breath. A regular hygiene visit will freshen up your mouth and remove the cause of any halitosis. Treatments like scale and polish clear away bacteria, tartar, and debris from every area of your teeth.
This means you won’t have to feel self-conscious about your breath in social or professional situations.
Every smile is different, and our lifestyles vary. While cleaning your teeth, we can discuss aspects of how you live that could impact the health of your teeth, gums, and jaws. This could be advice on diet, which dental products to use, brushing and flossing techniques, or tips on quitting smoking.
While taking the time to clean your teeth thoroughly, your dental hygienist will also be looking at other areas of your mouth. This means they can spot the signs of oral cancer early. Symptoms may include long-lasting ulcers, white or red patches inside your mouth, lumps, and difficulty swallowing.
If our hygienist spots any of these signs, they will refer you for further examinations and tests to determine whether it is cancer.
Your teeth will look and feel fresh and new after a full professional clean. After your appointment, you can enjoy the improved confidence a brighter smile brings.
Dental hygiene appointments help you maintain a fresh and healthy smile while giving you an unparalleled dental clean.
Call today to book your dental hygiene appointment in Sheffield.
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