Invisalign is undoubtedly one of the most popular teeth straightening treatments. Since its launch over two decades ago, the clear aligner system has been a breath of fresh air for patients and dental professionals alike.
For many, the beauty of these comfortable, removable aligners is how accurately we can predict the outcome. During your initial consultation, we’ll take digital scans of your smile and use software to plan your entire treatment step-by-step. The treatment plan includes a lifelike depiction of your smile after treatment.
If you undergo the Invisalign treatment, this smile could be yours. You might ask, ” How can you guarantee these amazing results?”
We’ve compiled a series of tips to help you get the most out of your Invisalign treatment. These Invisalign hacks are designed to improve your experience and help you stick to the plan.
Unlike work, school, or university, there are no days off with Invisalign. Fortunately, the aligners are so comfortable that wearing them will feel effortless after a while. That said, you do need to remember to put the aligners back in whenever you remove them.
To achieve the expected outcome, you’ll need to wear your aligner for 22 hours daily, including while you’re sleeping. The only times you need to take it out are whenever you eat, drink, or clean your teeth and aligner.
Everyone has bacteria, plaque, and food particles in their mouths. Although tooth decay and gum disease are risks we all face, these risks can increase when you wear aligners.
Your aligner will press against your teeth all day, every day. If your teeth and the aligner are not clean, it could lead to cavities and gingivitis.
Brush your teeth after every meal and clean your aligner. Taking a travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you when you’re out means you can brush on the go. Drinking water often can also help wash away debris from your mouth.
Invisalign aligners work by creating gentle force against your teeth. Through constant wear, this force gradually moves your teeth. Because every aligner is a fixed shape custom-made to fit your teeth, we need to replace it as your smile changes.
You’ll get a new aligner to wear every two weeks. When you first wear your aligner, you’ll probably notice a change in how it feels. You’re more likely to feel the force, and some people may feel tempted to take the aligner out to avoid this sensation.
Switching before bed is the best way to get used to a new aligner. That way, your teeth can adjust to the change in force while you sleep. By the time you wake up, you’ll be less conscious about how the aligner feels.
Although it’s important to switch when instructed and not to wear your older aligners any more, you may want to keep hold of your most recent aligner in case of an emergency.
Invisalign aligners are durable, and it’s rare that they ever break. But if your aligner does break or gets lost, wearing your last aligner will at least retain your progress so far. Going without an aligner could undo some of the hard work you’ve put in so far.
If you do break or lose an aligner, let us know immediately.
At mealtimes, it’s important to take your aligner out. Avoid leaving your aligner lying around and resist the urge to wrap it in tissue or put it in your pocket. These things could introduce bacteria into your mouth or damage your aligner. Instead, keep a clean aligner case with you.
Your aligners are removable. That said, it’s sometimes easy to forget to take them out or think it’s easier to leave them in while eating or drinking.
It’s essential to take your aligner out whenever you eat or drink. Food could damage it, while soft drinks will stain it and hot drinks will warp it.
After your aligner treatment is complete, we’ll give you a retainer. Although it looks like an aligner, its purpose is to keep your teeth in their new position instead of moving them further.
You may only need to wear your retainer for a few hours each day or overnight, but it’s important to remember to do so. Failure to wear your retainer could undo everything you’ve worked for.
Friends or family members might want to try your aligner on to see how it feels. It’s important not to allow this. Your aligner is custom-made to fit your teeth. If someone else wears it, the aligner will become misshapen and ineffective.
Invisalign can give you a straighter smile you’ll feel great about. Following the simple tips in this guide will help you enjoy a smooth and more effective treatment and get the outcomes you’re expecting.
Contact us today to book your Invisalign consultation.
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