If you have missing or damaged teeth, getting dental implants placed is a great way of restoring your smile and your ability to chew food properly. This effective procedure involves having a small titanium screw fixed to your jaw. Then, a realistic-looking crown will be placed on top.
This is a life-changing procedure, however, it can take several sittings to get your implants placed as you will need to allow time between each stage for your jaw bone to fully heal.
During the recovery process, you may want to know what you can eat, as biting may be difficult for a while.
In this guide, we’ll talk you through some tips for eating following your dental implant procedure.
At each stage of the dental implant process, there will be some recovery involved. In total, you can expect a full recovery from the dental implant procedure to take up to six months. During this time, you will only need to worry about what you eat and drink for the first few weeks.
Immediately after having the dental implant procedure, you may still have gauze sponges in your mouth. After an hour, you can remove these and you can eat and drink if you need to.
Over the first couple of days, try to stick to consuming cool liquids only as your teeth may be sensitive to heat. This means avoiding tea or coffee. Similarly, for the first few hours after your procedure, you should stick to cold food only.
You may be tempted to drink from a straw or from a water bottle, however, this will require suction which could cause discomfort. Instead, drink from a cup or mug for the first two weeks.
For the initial week after having implants, you should stick to a diet that doesn’t require you to chew. Again, ideally, stick to cool food rather than anything too warm. You may want to consider the following:
If you’re a meat-eater, gradually reintroduce soft meats including ground meat after a week or so.
Anything that requires any chewing should ideally be avoided following your procedure. Examples of foods to avoid include:
You should also avoid spicy food such as curry or chilli as well as acidic foods such as lemons or oranges.
In the days and weeks that follow getting dental implants, you should also avoid drinking alcohol or smoking.
The dental implant procedure will restore full function to lost or damaged teeth, however, to achieve this, you’ll need to commit to taking care of yourself during recovery.
If you’re interested in learning more about dental implants or would like to find out whether you’re a suitable candidate, book a consultation with our implant specialist, Dr Eshan Naghieh today.
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