Specialising in cosmetic dentistry, we’re proud to be able to bring a high level of skill and artistry to every restoration we place, including fillings.
Fillings are required when a tooth has become damaged as a result of decay, injury, or simple wear and tear.
We may well diagnose you with needing a filling before you notice any discomfort or pain. Some of the main symptoms include toothache, increased sensitivity, and pain when you chew or bite down. If this is the case, you must contact us immediately to arrange an appointment.
Traditionally, fillings have been made of a metal amalgam material that leaves behind a silver-appearing finish in the mouth that many patients feel self-conscious about. More and more patients are requesting white fillings, which tend to be made of a highly durable composite resin. As an amalgam-free and cosmetically focused practice, we’re proud to be able to offer our patients this cutting-edge, attractive alternative to metal amalgam fillings.
Yes. Many patients choose to replace their amalgam fillings with tooth-coloured composite fillings. Composite fillings provide the same support as a traditional filling while offering a much more natural looking finish that can help enhance your smile. If you’re interested in replacing your amalgam fillings with white fillings, then do not hesitate to get in touch with us here at Harley Private Dental.
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